The Most Powerful Non-contacting Deformation Measurement System
VIC-3D概述 Overview
Vic-3D 9 是一个强大的可视化的应变与运动测量系统。
The VIC-3D 9 system is a powerful turn-key solution for measuring and visualizing full-field, three-dimensional shape, displacement, and strain based on the principle of Digital Image Correlation. Using this method, 3D displacements and strains are available at every point on the specimen’s surface. All systems are customized to your needs, and are available for a wide range of size scales for quasi-static and dynamic events. All systems are turn-key which includes all necessary software, hardware, training, and technical support to ensure the system operates exactly as expected.
Vic-3D 9 是一个完整的交钥匙系统,用于测量三维表面的形状,位移和应变。 Vic-3D包含所有必需的硬件和CSI公司最新的软件。
VIC-3D 9 measures arbitrary displacements down to nanometer resolution (dependent upon the size of the object), and strains from 100 microstrain to 2000% and above are possible with 50 microstrain or better strain resolution. Specimen sizes ranging from <1mm to >50m are possible, and dynamic events can be captured up to a rate of 5,000,000 fps (frames per second). System setup is simple, and only requires a quick calibration procedure and an applied random speckle pattern. No special illumination or lasers are required and there is no contact with the specimen during testing. In summary…if we can see it, we can measure it.
点击查看系统功能最新更新信息 Click here to see what’s new in the VIC-3D Digital Image Correlation System!
基于数字图像相关原理,Vic-3D 9 可提供形状、位移和应变的全场三维测量。 使用该技术,既可以测量实际的物体移动,也可以在试件表面的每个点上获得拉格朗日应变张量。
Vic-3D 9 provides full-field, 3-Dimensional measurements of shape, displacement and strain, based on the principle of Digital Image Correlation. Using this method, actual object movement is measured and the Lagrangian strain tensor is available at every point on the specimen’s surface.
Vic-3D 9 可以实现从50个微应变到2000%以上的任意应变和位移的测量,试件尺寸从<1mm 到 >10m不等。 设置也很简单,只需要一个快速、灵活的标定过程和一个可用的随机散斑图案,不需要特殊的照明或激光。 且在测试过程中不需要接触试件。
Vic-3D 9 can measure arbitrary displacements and strains from 50 microstrain to 2000% strain and above, for specimen sizes ranging from <1mm to >10m. Setup is simple, requiring only a quick, flexible calibration procedure, and an applied random speckle pattern. No special illumination or lasers are required. And, no specimen contact is required during testing.
For more information, download our product brochure.
The new iris graphics engine brings a host of new functionality all from within the already versatile VIC-3D software. Some of the exciting new features include:
- Import finite element data for visualization and comparison to measurement data into new graphics framework – see the video in ‘System Highlights’ section below
- Display synchronized analog data values alongside data plots
- Create life-like animations using integrated adaptive motion blurring for fast-moving objects
- Animate object position, scale, opacity, rotation, and more with an all-new user-friendly interface
- View speckle images on 3D plots
- View high-resolution isolines on 2D and 3D plots with scalable fonts
- Create high-resolution, publication-ready plots in PDF and ultra-high-definition video formats (from 720p to 4K)
- Create high-quality videos using a multi-threaded rendering engine
- Edit labels with Unicode support
To learn more about these exciting new features, watch this video presentation from the 2020 SEM International Conference:
System Highlights
我们的 DIC 系统在设计时以用户体验为主要关注点。 它们易于设置、校准和操作。 VIC-3D 系统的一些功能列表如下:
Our DIC systems are designed with the user experience as the primary focus. They are simple to set-up, calibrate, and operate. The list of some of the features of the VIC-3D system are listed below:
- 使用 VIC-3D 9 比较 FEA 和 DIC 数据: 强大的 VIC-3D 软件的新功能之一是能够快速准确地比较有限元计算和数字图像相关测量。 此更新将为许多领域的工程师建立一个即将必不可少的工作流程。 查看下面的视频,Michael Sutton 博士解释了如何使用 VIC-3D 将 DIC 与 FEA 进行比较。
- Compare FEA and DIC data using VIC-3D 9: Among the new features of the powerful VIC-3D software is the ability to quickly and accurately compare finite element predictions and digital image correlation measurements. This update will establish a soon-to-be essential workflow for engineers in many fields. Check out the video below by Dr. Michael Sutton explaining how DIC is compared to FEA using VIC-3D.
- Versatility and Convenience: With our extremely portable VIC systems, data can be collected in a wide range of settings with ease. Results can be processed on-the-spot or data can be exported for analysis in the convenience of your office. Processing can also be done on any Windows PC with flexible floating licenses or network licenses.
- Software Integration and Ease of Use: The VIC Software Suite is extremely easy to use and provides a user-friendly interface consistent throughout all applications. Powerful tools include report generation, animation creator, copy & paste all graphs and plots, and flexible and complete data export features.
- Python Scripting with VIC-Py: It is now possible to use the Python programming language in conjunction with the free VIC-Py module which allows users to manipulate DIC data in unique ways to create custom measurements for any application. VIC-Py is ideal for utilizing techniques such as batch processing, background processing, and removal of rotational rigid body motion. Other common uses include obtaining measurements not available by default in VIC-3D. Existing scripts can be found in the VIC-Py script library and custom scripts can be created upon request.
- Performance and Accuracy: The VIC image correlation algorithms are accurate and extremely fast. In fact, industry-leading real-time processing can be achieved using a modern consumer multi-core processor. Our systems can process up to 500,000 points per second, which is years ahead of the competition. This saves valuable time especially for high-resolution image processing or when processing 1000s of images for vibration analysis.
- Experience, Knowledge, Technical Support: The Correlated Solutions support team includes engineers with a combined experience of over 100 years. This also includes well-known authors who have developed the technology from the ground up. Our team develops the software, designs hardware components, integrates all hardware, tests all systems to ensure high quality while including the very best technical support from the manufacturer. The Correlated Solutions team has the experience to tackle even the most challenging applications to help get the most out of every VIC-3D system.
VIC-3D add-on modules are available for the following specialized applications:
- Vibration Measurements
- Infrared Measurements
- Microscopic Measurements
- High-Speed Measurements
- High-Speed (FFT) Vibration Measurements
- Ultra High-Speed Measurements
If you don’t see a system suited to your needs, please contact us and we may be able to develop a customized system. Our experienced Engineering staff will be happy to discuss your application.
System Specifications
VIC-3D turn-key systems include standard resolution (SR), high resolution (HR), extra-high resolution (XR), high-speed (HS), and ultra-high-speed (UHS) imaging devices that will meet all of your testing needs. Various interfaces are available, such as USB 3.0, Firewire, GigE, and CameraLink, with each offering their own specific benefits in terms of resolution, acquisition rate, and triggering capabilities. Resolutions up to 29 MP and frame rates up to 5 MHz are supported with our integrated hardware, which includes our image acquisition software Vic-Snap to allow for easy data acquisition and external data synchronization. Below are the specifications for common VIC-3D systems configurations, but all systems are customized to your applications:
System Type | VIC-3D SR | VIC-3D HR | VIC-3D XR | VIC-3D HS | VIC-3D UHS |
Camera Resolution | 1920 x 1200 | 2448 x 2048 | From 12 to 31 MP | up to 4 MP | 400 x250 |
Frame Rate* | 140 Hz | 50 Hz | Up to 335 Hz | Up to 300 KHz | 5 MHz |
In-Plane Resolution | 0.000005 * FOV | 0.000005 * FOV | 0.000005 * FOV | 0.00001 * FOV | 0.00002 * FOV |
Out-of-Plane Displacement Resolution | 0.00001 * FOV | 0.00001 * FOV | 0.00001 * FOV | 0.00002 * FOV | 0.00004 * FOV |
Strain Resolution | down to 10 µε | down to 10 µε | down to 10 µε | down to 10 µε | down to 50 µε |
Strain Range | from 0.005% to >2,000% | from 0.005% to >2,000% | from 0.005% to >2,000% | from 0.005% to >2,000% | from 0.010% to >2,000% |
*Faster rates available via binning or clipping
VIC-3D应用 /Applications
Please view the interactive flash video below which contains some common VIC-3D applications.
系统特性 System Features
我们的系统和分析软件在开发时就充分考虑到用户的需求,使其易于设置、校准和操作。 我们系统的一些功能包括:
Our systems and analysis software are designed with the user in mind and are simple to set-up, calibrate and operate. Some of the features of our systems include:
- 多功能性和便利性:利用我们极其便携的Vic系统,数据可通过多种设置轻松收集。 结果既可以在实验现场处理,也可以在办公室环境方便的时候导出进行分析,并且可以灵活的在任何具有浮动许可证的Windows PC上完成处理。
Versatility and Convenience: With our extremely portable Vic systems, data can be collected in a wide range of settings with ease. Results can be processed on-the-spot, or data can be exported for analysis in the convenience of your office. And, processing can be done on any Windows PC with flexible floating licenses.
- 软件集成和易用性:Vic软件系列非常易于使用,该系列软件包含的应用程序具有一致的用户界面。 我们的软件包含强大的可视化工具,您可以将所有图形和图表直接复制和粘贴到您最熟悉和喜爱的软件中以生成报告。
- Software Integration and Ease of Use: The Vic software family is extremely easy to use, and provides a user interface consistent with all the other applications you use. Our software includes powerful tools for visualization. And, you can copy and paste all graphs and plots directly into your favorite software to generate reports.
- 高性能和准确度:Vic图像相关算法精确且速度极快。 实际上,即使是全场数据的实时处理也可以在当前的消费级四核处理器上实现。 这为您节省宝贵的时间与计算处理成本,并确保可靠的结果。
- Performance and Accuracy: The Vic image correlation algorithms are accurate and extremely fast. In fact, real-time processing can be achieved using a modern, consumer, quad-core processor. This saves you valuable time, and ensures reliable results.
- 经验、知识、及技术支持:CSI公司的开发工程团队包括DIC技术的发明人员在内,共同参与编写软件、构建系统并提供所有技术支持。 CSI公司具有全世界最完备的应用经验来处理最具挑战性的实验应用,并帮助用户充分利用其系统。
- Experience, Knowledge, Technical Support: The Correlated Solutions engineering team includes the people who invented image correlation. We write the software, build the systems and provide all the technical support. We have the experience to tackle the most challenging applications, and help you get the most out of your system.
CSI公司为特殊应用提供的附加模块还包括 Correlated Solutions offers add-on modules for the following, specialized applications:
- 高速测量 High Speed Measurements
- 动态疲劳测试 Vibration Fatigue Module
- 显微测量 Microscopic Measurements
- 振动测量 Vibration Measurements
- 小尺度测量 Vic-Strainograph 3D(SG-3D)
CSI公司还提供开发定制系统。 所以,如果您没有看到适合您需求的系统,请与我们联系。 我们经验丰富的工程设计人员将会很乐意讨论您的应用。
We can also develop customized systems. So, if you don’t see a system suited to your needs, please contact us. Our experienced Engineering staff will be happy to discuss your application.
系统参数 System Specifications
Below are the specifications for common VIC-3D systems configurations:
系统型号 | VIC-3D SR | VIC-3D HR | VIC-3D XR | VIC-3D HS | VIC-3D UHS |
图像采集器分辨率 |
From 2 to 5M | From 5 to 12M | From 11 to 29MP | up to 4MP | 400 x250 | 924 x 768 |
帧率 |
150 Hz | 75Hz | Up To 7.5 Hz | up to 300 KHz (reduced resolution) | 5 MHz / 10MHz | 5 MHz |
面内位移精度 |
0.000005 * FOV | 0.000005 * FOV | 0.000005 * FOV | 0.00001 * FOV | 0.00002 * FOV |
离面位移精度 |
0.00001 * FOV | 0.00001 * FOV | 0.00001 * FOV | 0.00002 * FOV | 0.00004 * FOV |
应变精度 |
down to 10 µε | down to 10 µε | down to 10 µε | down to 10 µε | down to 50 µε |
应变范围 |
from 0.005% to >2,000% | from 0.005% to >2,000% | from 0.005% to >2,000% | from 0.005% to >2,000% | from 0.010% to >2,000% |
Click here to download the VIC-3D datasheet.