Dynamic loading on a large yacht hull
Marine NDE (Spain) used the technical advantages of our Shearography-System for non-destructive examination (NDE) of large areas. The Combination of the SE sensor with the Piezoshaker system for dynamic loading helped the crew to inspect the large yacht hull (see image below). The hull with a lenghts of 30.5m was a advanced-composite and part of high performance sailing yacht in build. Because of the full-field method (100% of the inspected area is examined) testing the entire hull required only 240 shots, in three workdays.
The yacht hull consists of a sandwich construction, where are in particular used honeycomb cores.
On the left – A shearogram of a detected bonding defect (in red oval). The yellow X marks the location of the core sample shown at the right. The destructive test confirms the shearogram’s indication that there is a significant never-bond between the honeycomb core material and the film adhesive in this area.