Nanotest Vantage极端环境纳米力学综合测试系统Vantage



NanoTest Vantage from Micro Materials cleverly combines multiple nanomechanical and tribological test techniques over multiple force scales and multiple environments in a single instrument to provide the most complete and reliable solution on the market today.

Micro Materials公司的Vantage纳米测试系统优势巧妙地将多种纳米力学和摩擦学测试技术在多种力尺度和多种环境下结合在一个仪器上,提供了当今市场上最完整和可靠的解决方案。



Unrivalled technique versatility



Every NanoTest Vantage includes an advanced controller with intuitive software, a thermally controlled environmental enclosure with an anti-vibration system, and a four-objective optical microscope. This remarkably flexible nanomechanical test and characterisation solution can be configured to perform nanoindentation, nano-scratch, nano-impact, nano-fretting, and nano-wear techniques.



The fully ISO- and ASTM-compliant system can even be configured with a nanopositioning stage to provide SPM imaging, or with an AFM.



1.Nanoindentation Module 纳米压痕模块


Nanoindentation Module The nanoindentation module has been designed to provide the user with the optimum combination of sensitivity and load range to cover the widest range of applications and sample types. Reliable calibration procedures, experimental protocols and instrument stability ensure that ISO 14577 compliant measurements can easily be performed. High resolution XYZ stages enable precision targeting of test locations, e.g. for indentations into specific phases in multi-phase materials or for micro-pillar compression and micro-cantilever tests.

纳米压痕模块的设计旨在为用户提供灵敏度和载荷范围的最佳组合,以覆盖最广泛的应用和样品类型。可靠的校准程序、实验协议和仪器稳定性确保了符合ISO 14577的测量。高分辨率XYZ级可以精确定位测试位置,例如用于多相材料中特定相的压痕,或用于微柱压缩和微悬臂试验。


This excellent repositioning accuracy combined with very high thermal stability allows the NanoTest Vantage to target specific features of interest, produce detailed mechanical property maps across surface and depth-profiles of hardness and elastic modulus and perform long-duration creep tests.




2.Nano-scratch module 纳米划痕模块


The nano-scratch module has been engineered to provide theoptimum combination of (1) wide load range, (2) high lateralrigidity during scratching, and (3) high frictional sensitivity.



This module extends the instrument’s ability to perform a broad range of nano-tribological tests, including single scratches, multiple-pass scratch and wear tests, surface profilometry, and friction measurements.It is particularly suitable for assessing abrasive wear resistance and critical load for coating failures. The NanoTest Vantage loading heads have a high lateral stiffness so it is very effective at testing hard coatings, even those with very high surface roughness.




3.Nano-impact module 纳米冲击模块


Nano-impact works by accelerating the indenter towards the sample surface under controlled conditions. This high-energy impact results in a very high strain rate contact (typical strain rate: ~103–104 s-1) that is orders of magnitude higher than the strain rates in nanoindentation.

纳米冲击的工作原理是在控制条件下将压头加速向样品表面。这种高能冲击导致了一个非常高的应变率接触(典型的应变率:~103– 104s- 1),比纳米压痕中的应变率高出一个数量级。


Nano-impact complements nanoindentation techniques,especially for applications where toughness is important and hardness alone is insufficient. Impact with the NanoTest Vantage has been shown to be an effective accelerated wear test capable of accurately simulating interrupted contacts (e.g.,in metal cutting, in erosive wear, or in auto- or aero-engines).



4.Nano-fretting / nano-wear module 纳米微摩擦和纳米磨损


The nano-fretting/nano-wear module in the NanoTest is used for reciprocating wear and fretting testing. By changing the wear track length both reciprocating nano-wear and true nanoscale fretting tests can be performed with the same module. This technique is important for studying the onset of wear in coatings and metallic materials.



Owing to the very high stability of the NanoTest Vantage high-cycle wear tests can be run. This makes it possible to run tests at a lower contact pressure more reflective of real wear situations where coatings fail gradually not straightaway. The nano-wear tests can then be used to more effectively develop materials with improved wear resistance.




High-accuracy multiple force scales



The NanoTest Vantage is engineered to accommodate the system’s low-load loading head and optional high-load loading head simultaneously, This saves time because, unlike other instruments, there is no need for a physical change and recalibration of loading heads. The second head provides microindentation and micro-scratch capabilities as well as a wide range of other micromechanical measurements for true depth-sensing at 30 N.

Nanotest Vantage的设计是同时适应系统的低负载装载头和可选的高负载装载头,这节省了时间,因为不像其他仪器,不需要物理改变和重新校准加载头。第二个头提供微压痕和微划痕能力,以及广泛的其他微机械测量,用于30N微米尺度力学测试。



Load parameters:

Nanoload range: 500 mN

Micron load range: 30 N

Thermal drift: 0.004 nm/s or better


纳米载荷范围: 500 mN

微米载荷范围: 30 N

热漂移: 0.004 nm/s 或更好




Market-leading environmental capabilities



1.environmental and vibration isolation system  环境与震动隔离系统


Nanotest Vantage provides a high stiffness testing platform equipped with an environmental and vibration isolation system. This system not only isolates noise and airflow interference using a multi-layered sound attenuation environmental isolation cabinet and actively suspends the platform to isolate environmental vibration interference, but also offers a six-degree-of-freedom platform for comprehensive simulation testing. Additionally, an active temperature control system is provided within the environmental isolation cabinet to maintain a constant temperature inside the shielded enclosure. Nanotest Vantage reduces testing uncertainties caused by environmental influences for researchers.

Nanotest Vantage提供高刚度测试平台,内有环境与震动隔离系统,不仅可以通过多层声衰减环境屏蔽柜隔离噪音与气流干扰,主动悬浮平台隔离环境震动干扰,还提供六自由度平台,以便进行全方位的模拟测试,另外环境屏蔽柜内提供主动温度控制系统,使屏蔽罩内部温度达到恒定状态。Nanotest Vantage为研究人员减少了因环境影响导致的测试不确定性。


Material properties can vary greatly in response to the local environmental properties. The NanoTest Vantage is the only instrument which allows researchers to characterise and optimise their materials under the following range of conditions:

材料特性会因当地环境特性而有很大差异。NanoTest Vantage 是唯一允许研究人员在以下条件下表征和优化其材料的仪器:

(1)High temperature nanoindentation, nanoscratch and nanoimpact to 850 ºC.   850 ºC 的高温纳米压痕、纳米划痕和纳米冲击

(2)Low temperature nanoindentation and nanoscratch to -20 ºC.   -20 ºC 的低温纳米压痕和纳米划痕

(3)With sample and probe immersed in liquids.   将样品和探头浸入液体中

(4)In reduced oxygen/ purged conditions.   在低氧/吹扫条件下

(5)Under controlled humidity levels.    在受控湿度水平下


2.Controlled environment of low temperature/humidity 低温/湿度的受控环境


For still greater experimental versatility, the instrument can be configured with a low-temperature option (to -20°C). The system can also use a temperature controlled liquid cell to test samples fully immersed in a fluid with constant buoyancy force, and constant surface tension on loading column. A fully programmable humidity cell that allows rapid, stable humidity changes from 10% to 90% for studying moisture sensitivity in polymers, biomaterials, and nanocomposites. Furthermore,researchers can characterise and optimise their materials in reduced oxygen / purged conditions with the NanoTest Vantage.

为了实现更大的实验灵活性,该仪器可配置低温选项(可至-20°C)。该系统还可以使用温度控制的液体池来测试完全浸入流体中的样品,这种流体具有恒定的浮力以及加载柱上的恒定表面张力。此外,该系统还有一个可完全编程的湿度单元,能够实现湿度在10%至90%之间的快速、稳定变化,用于研究聚合物、生物材料和纳米复合材料对湿度的敏感性。此外,研究人员可以使用NanoTest Vantage在低氧/吹扫条件下对其材料进行表征和优化。


3.Hot Stage for Elevated-Temperature Nanomechanics to 850°C* 高温纳米力学的最高温度至850°C


Dual active heating of the indenter and the sample, a patented stage design, and a patented temperature control methodology ensure the optimum thermal stability needed for repeatable high-temperature measurements up to 850°C* when using the system’s high-temperature option.



With the addition of water cooling and an environmental chamber for testing in reduced oxygen atmosphere, reliable measurements can be performed.



(1)Active tip heating – the indenter and the sample are both actively and independently heated, resulting in an isothermal contact.主动针尖加热-压头和样品都是主动和独立的加热,确保两者等温接触。

(2)Patented tip heating power feedback system – fast response to minimise heat flow on contact.专利尖端加热功率反馈系统-快速响应,以减少接触时的热流

(3)Horizontal loading – the unique loading configuration of the NanoTest Vantage means that there is no heat flow onto the loading head or depth measurement sensor.水平加载-纳米测试优势的独特加载配置意味着没有热流到加载头或深度测量传感器。

(4)Highly localised heating – a heat shield and insulating shroud around the heated zone ensure instrument stability during high-temperature experiments.高度局部加热-在加热区域周围的隔热罩和隔热罩,确保了高温实验中仪器的稳定性。

(5)Patented control protocol – software routines are used to precisely match the indenter and stage temperatures to within an accuracy of 0.1ºC.专利控制协议-软件例程用于精确匹配压头和样品温度,以确保温度精度范围控制在0.1ºC内。

(6)Time-dependent measurements – As no significant thermal drift occurs during high-temperature measurements, it becomes possible to perform longduration tests (e.g., indentation creep tests) that are not possible with other systems.与时间相关的测量-由于在高温测量过程中没有发生明显的热漂移,因此有可能进行长时间的测试(e.g.,压痕蠕变测试)是其他系统不可能的。





application area 



The NanoTest Vantage is perfect for studying a wide range of materials systems for both fundamental research and industrial applications, including:


(1)金属 Metals

(2)硬涂层 Hard coatings

(3)陶瓷 Ceramics

(4)复合材料 Composite materials

(5)管理系统 MEMS

(6)薄膜 Thin films

(7)聚合物 Polymers




